The textbook (from the archives)This was written c2019 and I just found it buried deep in my notes app.Feb 20Feb 20
Finding a purpose for journalling, and memory-keeping through the act of writingI have so many things to write about and talk about, to be honest. Sometimes those things seem silly. Nobody needs to know things like “my…Mar 23, 2021Mar 23, 2021
Lessons learned from two semesters of online classesLast year when the pandemic hit, everyone, including myself, was terrified. The thought of “how am I going to get through this academic…Mar 4, 20211Mar 4, 20211
Self care through kindness and charityI haven’t written here in so long that it almost feels like a foreign feeling. A strange act of baring my soul, something I should be…Feb 25, 20211Feb 25, 20211
Lessons from the pandemic: on organizing thoughts and holding on to creativityExpression is the untangling of thoughts and the pandemic resulted in a stark realization.Nov 2, 2020Nov 2, 2020
The pandemic is going to kill more than just humans and we can help lessen the tragedyThe ongoing pandemic has taken over the world and brought every country, large and small, to a standstill in a manner that is unforeseen…Mar 25, 2020Mar 25, 2020
How “hunger” is a curable epidemic.Every time we are served food, in every religion, there is one or the other custom to express gratitude about our our fortune. It is an…Jul 10, 2019Jul 10, 2019